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The Academic Catalog hosts the most up-to-date list of all GLBL undergraduate-level courses. Note: The new methodology core course requirement listed in the Academic Catalog only applies to students starting their Global Studies degree in Fall 2024. Those that started pursuing the degree before Fall 2024 do not have to worry about meeting this requirement.

Spring 2025 GLBL Course Descriptions

No courses fulfilling major requirements may be taken pass/fail.
Course Name Title Meeting Pattern
GLBL 210 Global Issues and Globalization  M/W, 10:10-11:00 AM 

GLBL 281

Phillip’s Ambassadors Course 


GLBL 290

Global Dilemmas Across Disciplines 

M/W, 11:15-12:30 PM 

GLBL 381

Great Decisions 

Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00PM  

GLBL 383

Global Whiteness 

T/Th, 12:30-1:45 PM 

GLBL 394

Teaching Great Decisions II 

Mondays, 4:40-5:30 PM 


Love and Liberation 

Thursdays, 2:00-5:00 PM 

GLBL 483

Comparative Health Systems 

M/W, 11:15 AM-12:30 PM 

GLBL 490 

The Special Olympics 

Th 02:00 PM-05:00 PM 

GLBL 692H 

Honors Thesis II 

Tu, 3:30-6:00 PM 

GLBL 700

Introduction to Research in Global Studies 

Tu, 9:30 AM-12:15 PM 

GLBL 701

Political Economy 

T/Th, 2:00 PM-03:15 PM 

GLBL 703

Global Migration and Labor Rights 

Th 9:30 AM-12:15 PM 

GLBL 709

Conflict Transformation 

F, 12:20 PM-03:20 PM 

GLBL 710

Monitoring and Evaluation 

F, 12:20 PM-03:20 PM 

GLBL 730

Identities & Transitions

W, 2:30 PM-05:15 PM 


Courses that satisfy Major requirements Being Offered in Spring 2025

Core Courses

Course Name Description Fulfills

GLBL 210  

Global Issues and Globalization 

Gateway Course 

GLBL 290 

Global Dilemmas Across Disciplines  

Methods Course

AMST 203 

Approaches to American Indian Studies 

Methods Course 

GEOG 124 

Feminist Geographies 

Methods Course 

PLCY 310 

Microeconomic Foundations of Public Policy 

Methods Course 

SOCI 251 

Research Methods 

Methods Course 

SOCI 252 

Data Analysis 

Methods Course 

ANTH 142 

Local Cultures, Global Forces 

Additional Core Class

ARTH 150 

The Visual World 

Additional Core Class

ASIA 181 

Modern Muslim Societies 

Additional Core Class 

ENEC 201 

Introduction to Environment and Society 

Additional Core Class 

GEOG 121 

Geographies of Globalization 

Additional Core Class 

GEOG 130 

Development and Inequality: Global Perspectives

Additional Core Class 

GEOG 212 

Environmental Conservation and Global Change 

Additional Core Class


World Regional Geography 

Additional Core Class 

HIST 140 

History Since 1945 

Additional Core Class 

MUSC 146 

Introduction to World Musics 

Additional Core Class 


The Ethics of Peace, War, and Defense 

Additional Core Class 

PLCY 110 

Global Policy Issues 

Additional Core Class 

POLI 130 

Introduction to Comparative Politics 

Additional Core Class 

POLI 150 

International Relations and Global Politics 

Additional Core Class 

SOCI 121 

Population Problems 

Additional Core Class 


Sex and Gender in Society 

Additional Core Class 

Thematic Courses

International Politics, Nation States, Social Movements

Course Name Description

AAAD 101 

Introduction to Africa 

AAAD 315 

Political Protest and Conflict in Africa 

AAAD 403 

Human Rights: Theories and Practices in Africa 

AMST 277 

America’s Role in the Global Environment 

ANTH 319 

Global Health 

ENGL 279 

Migration and Globalization 

GEOG 435 

Global Environmental Justice 

GEOG 460 

Geographies of Economic Change 

GLBL 383 

Global Whiteness 

HIST 276 

The Modern Middle East 

HIST 570 

The Vietnam War 

MUSC 291 

Music and Politics 

POLI 130 

Introduction to Comparative Politics 


International Relations and Global Politics 

POLI 238/238H 

Politics of the Global South: Latin America 

POLI 239 

Introduction to European Government 

POLI 252H 

International Organizations and Global Issues 

POLI 255 

International Migration and Citizenship Today 

POLI 433H 

Politics of the European Union 

POLI 435 

Democracy and Development in Latin America 

POLI 438 

Democracy and International Institutions in an Undivided Europe 

POLI 442 

International Political Economy 

POLI 448 

The Politics of Multilevel Government  

POLI 470 

Social and Political Philosophy  


Conflict and Intervention in the Former Yugoslavia  

PWAD 250 

Introduction to Peace and Security Studies 

PWAD 252H 

International Organizations and Global Issues 

PWAD 489 

Empire and Diplomacy 

RELI 181 

Modern Muslim Societies 

SOCI 111H 

Human Societies 

SOCI 121 

Population Problems 

SOCI 274 

Social and Economic Justice 

Global Economics, Trade, Development

Course Name Description

ANTH 320 

Anthropology of Development 

BUSI 611 

International Development: Focus on Indigenous Issues 

ECON 450 

Health Economics: Problems and Policy 

ECON 469 

Asian Economic Systems 

GEOG 460 

Geographies of Economic Change 

POLI 435 

Democracy and Development in Latin America 

POLI 442 

International Political Economy  

Global Health and Environment

Course Name Description

ANTH 147 

Comparative Healing Systems 

ANTH 151 

Anthropological Perspectives on Food and Culture 

ANTH 238 

Human Ecology of Africa 

ANTH 319 

Global Health 

ANTH 473 

Anthropology of the Body and the Subject 

ENEC 325/325H 

Water Resource Management and Human Rights 

ENGL 268H 

Medicine, Literature, and Culture 

ENVR 600 

Environmental Health 

FREN 305 

Healthcare in France and the Francophone World 

GEOG 212 

Environmental Conservation and Global Climate 

GEOG 435 

Global Environmental Justice 

SOCI 469 

Health and Society 

Transnational Cultures, Identities, Arts

Course Name Description

AAAD 284 

Contemporary Perspectives on the African Diaspora in the Americas 

ANTH 102 

Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 

ANTH 147 

Comparative Healing Systems 

ANTH 284 

Culture and Consumption 

ANTH 320 

Anthropology of Development 

CMPL 143 

History of Global Cinema 

ENGL 164 

Introduction to Latino/a Studies 

FREN 355 

Visual Francophone Studies 

GEOG 56 

Local Places in a Globalizing World 

GLBL 383 

Global Whiteness 

HIST 139 

History of Muslim Societies since 1500 


Gender, Class, Race, and Mass Media 

MUSC 146 

Introduction to World Musics 

RELI 285 

Monks, Magic, and Meditation: Theravada Buddhism Across Space & Time 

RELI 345 

Black Atlantic Religions 

SPAN 344 

Latin@ American Cultural Topics 

WGST 124 

Sex and Gender in Society 

Area Courses


Course Name Description

AAAD 101 

Introduction to Africa 

AAAD 201 

Introduction to African Literature 

AAAD 300 

Cultures of Health and Healing in Africa 

AAAD 315 

Political Protest and Conflict in Africa 

AAAD 329 

Islamic Cultures and Literatures in Africa 

AAAD 391 

Human Development and Sustainability in Africa and the African Diaspora 

AAAD 403 

Human Rights: Theories and Practices in Africa 

AAAD 487 

Intellectual Currents in African and African Diaspora Studies 

ANTH 238 

Human Ecology of Africa 


Course Name Description

ANTH 330 

Melancholy Japan: Myth, Memory, and Everday life 


Introduction to Chinese History 


– The Buddhist Tradition: Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka 

ASIA 427 

Cold War Culture in East Asia: Transnational and Intermedial Connections 

CHIN 252 

Introduction to Chinese Culture through Narrative 

CHIN 253 

Chinese Language and Society 

CHIN 463 

Narrative Ethics in Modern China 

GEOG 266 

Society and Environment in Southeast Asia 

JAPN 162 

Japanese Popular Culture 

JAPN 375 

The Culture of Modern, Imperial Japan: 1900-1945 

PHIL 213 

Asian Philosophy 

Latin America

Course Name Description

GEOG 259 

Society and Environment in Latin America 

LTAM 101 

Introduction to Latin American Studies 

MUSC 147 

Introduction to the Music of the Americas 

POLI 238H 

Politics of the Global South: Latin America 

POLI 434 

Politics of Mexico 

POLI 435 

Democracy and Development in Latin America 

PORT 388 

Portuguese, Brazilian, and African Identity in Film 

RELI 151 

Religion in Latin America 

SPAN 344 

Latin@ American Cultural Topics 

WGST 352 

Rahtid Rebel Women: An Introduction to Caribbean Women 

The Middle East

Course Name Description

ARAB 151 

Arabic Literature Through the Ages 

ARAB 337 

Borders and Walls in the Arab World 

ASIA 462 

The Arab-Jews: Culture, Community, Coexistence 

HIST 139 

History of Muslim Societies Since 1500 

HIST 276 

The Modern Middle East 

RELI 181 

Modern Muslim Societies 

Western Europe/European Union

Course Name Description

ARTH 152 

Art in Life: An Introduction to Western Art from the Renaissance to the Modern Period 

ENGL 278 

Irish Writing, 1800-2000 

EURO 270 

Religion in Western Europe 

FREN 305 

Healthcare in France and the Francophone World 

GERM 302 

Advanced Communication in German: Media, Arts, and Culture 

GSLL 255 

Germany and the Cold War: Occupation, Division, Reunification, Renewed Conflict with Russia (1945-Today) 

HIST 259 

Towards Emancipation? Women in Modern Europe 

HIST 262 

History of the Holocaust: The Destruction of the European Jews 

ITAL 320 

Italian Cities and Cultures: History, Power, and Ecology 

ITAL 333 

Italian Film and Culture 

ITAL 343 

Italian Culture Today: Modern Italy as a Nation 1860-Present 

POLI 232H 

Politics of the United Kingdom 

POLI 239 

Introduction to European Government 

POLI 433H  

Politics of the EU 

POLI 438 

Democracy and International Institutions in an Undivided Europe 

PORT 388 

Portuguese, Brazilian, and African Identity in Film 

SPAN 340 

Iberian Cultural Topics 

Russia/Eastern Europe

POLI 469H 

Conflict and Intervention in the Former Yugoslavia