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The Academic Catalog hosts a current list of all GLBL undergraduate-level courses. Note: The new methodology core course requirement listed in the Academic Catalog only applies to students starting their Global Studies degree in Fall 2024. Those that began pursuing the degree before Fall 2024 do not have to worry about meeting this requirement.

Fall 2024 GLBL Course Descriptions

No courses fulfilling major requirements may be taken pass/fail.
Course Name Description
GLBL 210: Global Issues and Globalization Survey of international social, political, and cultural patterns in selected societies of Africa, Asia, America, and Europe, stressing comparative analysis of conflicts and change in different historical contexts.
GLBL 181: Great Decisions Eight evening guest lectures, with a discussion session after each, on eight issues in current foreign policy.
GLBL 221: The Migratory Experience The course will critically analyze the migrant experience in both North America and Europe. Migration is a calculated decision that individuals, families, and groups make in an effort to improve their living conditions. We will adopt an interdisciplinary approach to understanding the motivation of migrants, the nature of the migrant journey to their destination states, and their integration into their new societies. *FY-LAUNCH*
GLBL 691H: Honors in Global Studies Honors thesis writing seminar pt. 1. 
GLBL 702: Global Politics, Institutions, and Societies

This course will address global governance and global public policy; interactions among states, international organizations, businesses, social movements, and NGOs. It addresses the diffusion and promotion of democracy and other norms and the interactions between political institutions and social cleavages. Students with this concentration must take one appropriate methodology class.

Courses that satisfy GLBL requirements for Fall 2024

Core Courses

Course Name Description
GLBL 210 Global Issues and Globalization
ASIA/RELI 180 Introduction to Islamic Societies
COMM 82 Food Politics
ENEC 201 Introduction to Environment and Society
FREN 150 Globalization and the French Speaking World
GEOG 130 Development and Inequality: Global Perspectives
GEOG 212 Environmental Conservation and Global Change
GEOG/PWAD 120 World Regional Geography
HIST 140 The World Since 1945
PLCY/PWAD 110 Global Policy Issues
POLI 130 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI/PWAD 150 International Relations and Global Politics
SOCI/WGST 124 Sex and Gender in Society

Thematic Courses

International Politics, Nation States, Social Movements

Course Name Description
AAAD 101 Introduction to Africa
ANTH/PWAD 280 Anthropology of War and Peace
ANTH 360 Latin American Economy and Society
ANTH 375 Memory, Massacres, and Monuments in Southeast Asia
GEOG 423 Social Geography
GEOG 435 Global Environmental Justice
GLBL 221 The Migratory Experience
HIST 101 A History of Lies, Conspiracies, and Misinformation
HIST 207 The Global Cold War
HIST 577 United States Foreign Relations in the 20th Century
MUSC 291 Music and Politics
POLI 130 Introduction to Comparative Politics
POLI 238H Politics of the Global South: Latin America
POLI 239 Introduction to European Government
POLI 252 International Organizations and Global Issues
POLI 255 International Migration and Citizenship Today
POLI 435H Democracy and Development in Latin AmericaH
POLI 438 Democracy and International Institutions in an Undivided Europe
POLI 442 International Political Economy
POLI 444 Terrorism and International Peace
POLI 459 Trans-Atlantic Security
POLI/PWAD 150 International Relations and Global Politics
PWAD 250 Introduction to Peace and Security Studies
PWAD 252 International Organizations and Global Issues
PWAD 489/CMPL 489 Empire and Diplomacy

Global Economics, Trade, Development

Course Name Description
ECON 450 Health Economics: Problems and Policy
ECON 460 International Economics
ECON 468 Socialism, Planning, and the Contemporary Russian Economy
POLI 442 International Political Economy

Global Health and Environment

Course Name Description
ANTH 147 Comparative Healing Systems
ANTH 318 Human Growth and Development
ENEC 330 Principles of Sustainability
ENEC 370 Agriculture and the Environment
ENEC 437/GEOG 437 Social Vulnerability to Climate Change
ENGL 268 Medicine, Literature, and Culture
GEOG 212 Environmental Conservation and Global Change
GEOG 222 Health and Medical Geography
GEOG 237 Natural Resources
GEOG 435 Global Environmental Justice
GEOG 437 Social Vulnerability to Climate Change
PLCY 565/HPM 565 Global Health Law & Policy
SOCI 469 Health and Society

Transnational Cultures, Identities, Arts

Course Name Description
AAAD 200 Gender and Sexuality in Africa
AAAD 284 Contemporary Perspectives on the African Diaspora in the Americas
ANTH 123 Habitat and Humanity
ANTH 147 Comparative Healing Systems
ANTH 280 Anthropology of War and Peace
ARTH 155  African Art Survey
ASIA 150 Asia: An Introduction
DRAM 486 Latin American Theatre
GEOG 56 Local Places in a Globalizing World *FY-SEMINAR*
RELI 121 Introduction to Religion and Culture
SPAN 344 Latin@ American Cultural Topics
SPAN 378 Afro-Hispanic Language Contacts
WGST 124 Sex and Gender in Society

Area Courses


Course Name Description
AAAD 101 Introduction to Africa
AAAD 200 Gender and Sexuality in Africa
AAAD 214 Africa through the Ethnographic Lens
AAAD 320 Music of Africa
AAAD 391 Human Development and Sustainability in Africa and the African Diaspora
AAAD 421 Introduction to the Languages of Africa
HIST 279 Modern South Africa


Course Name Description
ANTH 375 Memory, Massacres, and Monuments in South Asia
ASIA 150 Asia: An Introduction
CHIN 361 Chinese Traditional Theater
HIST 136 History of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh: South Asia since 1750

Latin America

Course Name Description
AAAD 260 Blacks in Latin America
GEOG 259 Society and Environment in Latin America
HIST 143 Latin America since Independence
HIST 242 United States-Latin American Relations
HIST 532 History of Cuba
LTAM 101 Introduction to Latin American Studies
POLI 238/238H Politics of the Global South: Latin America
POLI 434 Politics of Mexico
POLI 435H Democracy and Development in Latin AmericaH
PORT 310 Advanced Communication in Portuguese: Media & Entertainment
SPAN 344 Latin@ American Cultural Topics
WGST 352 Rahtid Rebel Women: An Introduction to Caribbean Women

The Middle East

Course Name Description
HIST 538 The Middle East and the West
RELI 181 Modern Muslim Societies

Western Europe/European Union

Course Name Description
ARTH 152 Art in Life: An Introduction to Western Art (History of Western Art II)
EURO 159/HIST 159 From War to Prosperity: 20th-Century Europe
FREN 372 French and Francophone Studies since 1789
GERM 302 Advanced Communication in German: Media, Arts, Culture
HIST/EURO/POLI 257 Politics, Society, and Culture in Postwar Germany
ITAL 335 Themes in Italian Film
POLI/EURO 239 Introduction to European Government
POLI 438 Democracy and International Institutions in an Undivided Europe
SPAN 340 Iberian Cultural Topics

Russia/Eastern Europe

HIST 162 Russia under the Last Tsars and Soviet Commissars