Summer Opportunities
To find summer internships, visit the Internships page.
To find opportunities for summer funding, visit the Undergraduate Funding page or the Financial Information for Global Studies Master’s page.
American Research Institute in Turkey (ARIT) Fellowships
ARIT supports and administers programs of fellowships for scholarly research and for language study in Turkey. Programs for scholars and graduate students based in the U.S. and Canada include the ARIT, the ARIT National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship programs, and the ARIT Summer Language Program at Boğazici University in Istanbul (pending funding).
- Stipend provided
- Applications due by November
NEH-ARIT Research Fellowships
The American Research Institute in Turkey is pleased to invite applications for one to three advanced long-term fellowships for research in affiliation with ARIT centers in Turkey, supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. The fields of study cover all periods of history in the general range of the humanities and include humanistically oriented aspects of the social sciences, prehistory, history, art, archaeology, literature, and linguistics, as well as interdisciplinary aspects of cultural history. The fellowships tenures range from four to twelve continuous months during 2024-2025.
- $5,000/month stipend provided
- Applications due by November
The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program
The Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Summer Enrichment Program is a six-week summer program designed to provide undergraduate students with a deeper appreciation of current issues and trends in international affairs, a greater understanding of career opportunities in international affairs, and the enhanced knowledge and skills to pursue such careers. The Program usually selects participants (known as “Rangel Scholars”) each year from universities throughout the United States. This program encourages the application of members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the Foreign Service, women, and those with financial need. Students live at Howard University, attend classes, and participate in a variety of programs with foreign affairs professionals at Howard and at diverse locations around Washington, DC.
- Costs of tuition, travel, housing, some meals paid
- Additional $3,300 stipend provided
- Applications for the 2024 summer program due by February 6, 2024
Duke Global Policy Program in Geneva
The Duke Global Policy (DGP) Program in Geneva is a one-of-a-kind experience that prepares graduate and professional students from around the world to tackle the world’s most pressing policy challenges.
Students choose one of the following tracks as a program focus:
- Global Health
- Humanitarian Crises, Refugees, Human Rights
- International Trade Policy
- Applications for the 2024 summer program due by March 1, 2024
- Application Information
Hudson Institute Political Studies Summer Fellowship
Hudson Institute Political Studies offers a fellowship in political theory and practice to outstanding undergraduates and recent graduates that will broaden and deepen their understanding of public policy and American political principles. It combines the rigorous study of politics and political thought in a seminar setting, with policy workshops led by think tank scholars and experienced government officials, and also a distinguished speaker series of exemplary figures from public life.
- Seminars, workshops, speaker series, outings, and events
- All books, course materials, living costs paid
- Additional $3,000 stipend provided
- Applications for 2024 summer fellowships due by February 20, 2024
International Politics Oxford Summer School
A two-week residential summer school tackling the vital issues that shape politics in the modern world with a regional focus providing in depth analysis of key countries in regions outside of Western Europe and North America – Africa, China, Latin America, the Middle East and North Africa, and Russia and the Former Soviet Union. This program includes a daily lecture program given by world-renowned academics.
- Applications for the 2024 summer school program due by May 1, 2024
IREU Ecuador
The Carbonshed Lab at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill invites applications for International Research Experiences for Undergraduates (IREU). Positions are available to outstanding undergraduate students interested in gaining field and lab experience in hydrological and ecological processes.
Selected students will participate in a research experience focused on data collection in the Andes Mountains of Ecuador and the North Carolina Piedmont.
Undergraduate students will work in close collaboration with USFQ undergraduate students, and UNC and USFQ scientists. Students will be supported through a research-intensive, yearlong program focusing on increasing their chance to succeed in STEM fields. The year will culminate with a formal research presentation by each student at UNC’s Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research.
- Airfare, housing, ground transportation costs paid
- Stipend and travel allowance provided
McNair Scholarship
The Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program is a federal TRiO Program funded by the U.S. Department of Education. It is designed to prepare undergraduate students for doctoral studies through involvement in research and other scholarly activities.
McNair Scholars are either first-generation college students from low-income backgrounds, or members of a group traditionally underrepresented in graduate education and have demonstrated strong academic potential. The goal of the McNair Scholars Program is to provide support and guidance for these students as they pursue graduate school, thus increasing graduate degree completion for students from underrepresented segments of society.
- Rolling admission
- Stipend provided
- Program features
- Eligibility
Medical-Anthropology Expedition
Himalayan Health Exchange organizes a medical and cultural anthropological expedition to the Indian Himalayas every summer. In order to enhance the learning experience of participants, this medical-anthropological expedition will also include socio-cultural and religious teachings of the Western Himalayas with daily yoga and meditations sessions. HHE will offer participants a practical approach to the study of India, Tibet and the Himalayan culture while attending a 6-day, preventive health camp.
- Trip cost of $2,800-3,100
- Housing and meals provided
- Contact for detailed trip itineraries, budgets, and other information
The North Carolina Summer Policy Institute (NCSPI)
The North Carolina Summer Policy Institute (NCSPI) brings together students from across the state to participate in a multi-day exploration of North Carolina’s top policy issues through a combination of seminars, panel discussions, and workshops. During this engaging experience, the students will gain a broader understanding of the tools needed to contribute to the policy process.
- Applications for the summer 2024 program due by April 17, 2024
Olympia Summer Academy
Since the summer of 2002, the Olympia Summer Academy (the Academy) has been offering annually a wide range of specialized courses in Politics and International Studies. The Academy is comprised of 4 working days of intensive, high-level teaching where carefully defined Political Science and International Studies areas are treated in depth and by faculty of international standing.
- Open to undergraduate and graduate applicants
- Program cost of €250
- Applications due by April
This summer join the dynamic, accomplished and charismatic group of Overland leaders who help kids see the world and all of its beauty and promise. Overland hires exceptional college students and recent graduates to lead summer programs across the country and around the world.
- Requires passing a swimming test and lifeguard certification course, and earning CPR/AED and Wilderness First Aid certifications
- All accommodations, meals, and activities costs paid
- Applications accepted on a rolling basis
Rustic Pathways Program Leader
Rustic Pathways is a student travel organization that offers the world’s finest experiential education, community service, foreign language, and adventure programs. Our destinations stretch from the white-sand beaches of Fiji to the rainforest canopies of Costa Rica, the high Atlas mountains to the Great Barrier Reef, and many places in between.
As a Program Leader, you are a visitor in the country of operation. Your primary responsibility is the care and well-being of our students while they travel. You are a primary responder in all escalated situations, incidents, and emergencies. Expect to spend long days in some of the most welcoming communities on the planet.
Rustic Pathways is committed to increasing diversity in our staff and recognizes the benefit of having a diverse, inclusive work environment. We actively encourage those from equity-seeking groups to apply.
- $400-1,200 weekly stipend during 10-week program
SABLA Summer Arabic Language Immersion
The Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center’s Sabla Program is an intensive summer language program designed to benefit current university-level students and recent graduates. The program offers courses at four different levels: Advanced Beginning, Low Intermediate, High Intermediate and Advanced. The program emphasizes the instruction of Modern Standard Arabic or MSA (fusha).
- Not currently active