Colleen Daly ’13

Colleen Daly ’13 holds a double major in Global Studies and Spanish, with a minor in Social and Economic Justice. She studied abroad in Sevilla, Spain to connect with the memory of her late grandfather, who had studied there in the Archives of the Indies as part of his research as a professor of Latin American History at Duke.
During her time at UNC, Colleen witnessed students struggle through life-threatening eating disorders with bewildered friends and limited resources. In response, she and three friends collaborated with the Center of Excellence for Eating Disorders to found Embody Carolina, an organization that trains students to serve as a compassionate and effective allies for those struggling with eating disorders.
Colleen also served in an array of marketing positions for UNC Campus Recreation, Nourish-UNC, and Carolina Kickoff. Her happiest moments at Carolina were spent in the Student Recreation Center teaching fitness classes, people watching in the pit, and eating copious amounts of YoPo.
After graduation from UNC, Colleen remained on campus, working for a year as the Marketing Coordinator with UNC Campus Recreation. She cycled across the country with Bike and Build to promote affordable housing, then headed to Chicago for graduate school.
Colleen is now finishing her MS in Integrated Marketing Communications at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. While at Medill, Colleen has sought to define a space for exploring non-profit and cause marketing within her program. She served as the Co-Director of the Cause Marketing initiative, organizing nine teams of students to provide pro-bono marketing services to non-profit organizations in both Chicago and Philadelphia. She is conducting independent research with Dr. Renee Engeln in the Northwestern Psychology Department on the effects of disparaging language on the self-esteem and emotion of fitness participants. She hopes to integrate her passion for body-image and eating disorders advocacy in a career in the fitness industry.