Fall 2012 Newsletter
Letter from the Chair
The curriculum in Global Studies continues to build upon its accomplishments to offer undergraduates at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill an ever more enriching and memorable education. With the mentorship of our exceptional faculty and our dedication to providing an intellectually engaging environment, Global Studies students are well situated to succeed. Spring 2012 was no exception and demonstrated our commitment to offering our students the best university experience possible. We hope you enjoy reading about some of the highlights of the semester.
Students. Our students have excelled both academically and outside of the classroom in the field. From Phi Beta Kappa inductees to Fulbright and Buckeye Public Service Scholars, Global Studies undergraduates are recognized at every level. They have distinguished themselves in both the quality of their academic research and their university leadership, where they help shape the culture of being globally engaged at UNC. Last spring, we were proud to graduate almost 200 majors, who we know will positively impact our world.
Faculty. Our faculty position themselves at the forefront of research in their respective fields. Their publications and teaching continue to garner international recognition. We are fortunate to have their expertise at UNC and value the commitment to teaching that they consistently demonstrate in their support of our majors. To facilitate such interactions, we established the Global Studies Faculty-Student Partnership Fund, which provides a grant to enable three students $500 to work closely with our faculty on their research. We are also pleased to welcome new and outstanding faculty members to Global Studies: Elizabeth Olson (joint with Geography), Manisha Goel (Public Policy), Townsend Middleton (Anthropology) and Mike Morgan (History).
Events. Global Studies furthered its reputation for events that bring critical discussions to our university and local community through public lectures with experts on key global issues. Last semester, students, faculty and the Triangle community were able to tackle topics such as the global fight against cancer and local and sustainable food systems through the Global Health Discussion series Heels in the Field. They were also able to meet and question democratization expert Larry Diamond. These events have enlivened the intellectual curiosity of our students, and offered opportunities to extend their learning beyond the classroom.
Global Studies has grown hugely in size and scope over the last decade, but financial constraints still make it difficult to provide the experience that we would wish for all of our engaged students. If you have the capacity, consider supporting Global Studies at UNC-CH with a gift. If you are unable at this point in time to donate, we would value your expertise and would welcome your involvement in the curriculum by acting as a career contact for our undergraduates, or emailing us when you have internships available. We would appreciate the gesture.
Very best wishes,
Andy Reynolds