2012 Graduation
The curriculum in Global Studies proudly graduated 200 seniors on May 13th, 2012. Family and friends packed into the overflowing FedEx Global Education Center for the ceremony, which was followed by a light reception.
The ceremony featured a video created by seniors Dedren Snead, and Hannah Ryu on student experiences as a Global Studies major at UNC Chapel Hill. Students discussed the incredible learning opportunities they had both in and outside of the classroom: from working closely with professors, to undertaking internships, to studying abroad. The diversity of the Global Studies student experience was evident, but so was the shared intellectual curiosity characteristic of this exceptional cohort.
Chair, Andrew Reynolds then addressed the audience, exhorting students to remain inquisitive and remember not necessarily what they learned in their last four years, but how those four years made them feel. He hoped in this way, they would continue to seek new experiences and continue discovering in years to come.
James Ding offered the student speech of 2012. He discussed all the changes that occurred about them in the world, and encouraged his peers to attempt to make their mark on these larger events, and change the world for the better.
After certificates were presented to students, the Douglas Eyre prize for the most outstanding thesis was awarded to Caitlin Williams, who assessed the impact of Zapatismo on indigenous women’s access to reproductive health services in Chiapas, Mexico. The Anne Scaff award for service to the curriculum was then presented to Eva Archer for her involvement in the Great Decisions program and other organizations on campus aimed at internationalizing the university.
We were pleased to be able to share this amazing day with our students and their families and applaud all our talented majors in their exceptional achievement.