Global Health and Environment
AMST 499* Special Topics
ANTH 147 Comparative Healing Systems
ANTH 151 Anthropological Perspectives on Food and Culture
ANTH 238 Human Ecology of Africa
ANTH 312 From the Equator to the Poles: Case Studies in Global Environmental Change
ANTH 318 Human Growth and Development
ANTH 319 Global Health
ANTH 470 Medicine and Anthropology
ANTH 473 Anthropology of the Body and the Subject
ANTH 499* Special Topics
ANTH 512 Environmental Anthropology
ANTH 525 Culture and Personality
BIOL 262 Global Ecology: An International Perspective on Ecological and Environmental Problems
ENEC 225 Water Resource Management and Human Rights
ENEC 370 Agriculture and Environment
ENEC 490* Special Topics
ENEC 510 Policy Analysis of Global Climate Change
ENEC/GEOG 264 Biodiversity Conservation
ENEC/PLCY 372 Global Environment: Policy Analysis and Solutions
ENEC/PLCY 480 Environmental Decision Making
ENEC/PLCY 520 Environment and Development
ENEC/POLI 254 International Environmental Politics
ENGL 268 Literature, Medicine, and Culture
ENVR 600 Health and Environment
GEOG 237 Natural Resources
GEOG 269 Human-Environmental Interactions in the Galapagos Islands
GEOG 434 Cultural Ecology of Disease, Agriculture, and Urbanization
GEOG 435 Environmental Politics
GEOG 445 Medical Geography
GEOG 446 Geography of Health Care Delivery
GEOG 457 Rural Latin America: Agriculture, Environment and Natural Resources
HNRS 089* First-Year Seminar
HNRS 352 Is There Dinner? Toward Understanding an Endangered Species
HPM 660 International and Comparative Health Systems
MHCH 610 Issues in Maternal and Child Health
PLCY 490* Special Topics
PLCY 565 Global Health Policy
PLCY 590* Special Topics
PUBH 510 Interdisciplinary Perspectives in Global Health
SOCI 265 People and Environment in Southeast Asia.
SOCI 469 Medicine and Society
WMST 388 The International Politics of Sexual and Reproductive Health
WMST 610 Feminism, Sexuality and Human Rights