ANTH 199* Special Topics
ANTH 330 Melancholy Japan: Myth, Memory, and Everyday Life
ANTH 375 Memory, Massacres and Monuments in Southeast Asia
ANTH 499* Experimental Courses in Anthropology IV
ANTH/ASIA 545 The Politics of Culture in East Asia
ANTH/ASIA 574 Chinese World Views
ASIA 147 Understanding Western Experience in East and Southeast Asia
ASIA 150 Asia: An Introduction
ASIA 162 Nation, Film, and Novel in Modern India
ASIA 183 Asian Religions
ASIA 243 Political and Economic Change in Asia
ASIA 244 Historical Analysis of Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand
ASIA 253 The Social History of Popular Music in East Asia
ASIA 261 India Through Western Eyes
ASIA 331 Cracking India: Partition and Its Legacy in South Asia
ASIA 331 Cracking India: Partition and Its Legacy in South Asia
ASIA 333 Mahabharata: Remembered, Reimagined, Performed
ASIA 451 Orientalist Fantasies
ASIA 460 Sex, Crime and Corruption in East and Southeast Asia
ASIA 461 Political Economy of Southeast Asia
ASIA 490* Special Topics
ASIA 586 The Gardens, Shrines and Temples of Japan
ASIA/HIST 286 Samurai, Peasant, Merchant, and Outcaste: Japan under the Tokugawa
ASIA/RELI 183 Asian Religions
ASIA/RELI 285 The Buddhist Tradition: Southeast Asia and Sri Lanka
CHIN 252 Introduction to Chinese Culture through Narrative
CHIN 253 Chinese Language and Society
CHIN 354 Chinese Culture through Calligraphy
CHIN 463 Narrative Ethics in Modern China
CHIN 464 City in Modern China
CHIN 562 Post-Mao Chinese Urban Culture and Arts
COMM 669 Performing Gender and Ethnicity in Contemporary Afghanistan
GEOG 399* Contemporary Topics in Geography
GLBL 290* Special Topics
GLBL 390* Special Topics
HIST 134 Modern East Asia
HIST 136 South Asian History since 1750
HIST 282 China and the World
HIST 287 Japan’s Modern Revolution
HIST 288 20th Century Japan
HIST 292 20th Century China
JAPN 161 Geisha in History, Fantasy, and Fiction
JAPN 162 Japanese Pop Culture
JAPN 375 The Culture of Modern Imperial Japan
JAPN 490* Topics in Japanese Language & Literature
KOR 150 History, Memory, and Reality in Contemporary Korea
KOR 151 Education and Social Changes in Contemporary Korea
POLI 190* Undergraduate Seminar
SOCI 265 People and Environment in Southeast Asia
VIET 252 Introduction to Vietnamese Culture through Music and Narrative