Faculty Updates
Erin Carlston, Associate Professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature and affiliate of Global Studies, attended the first Djuna Barnes Conference in London.
Pamela Cooper, Associate Professor in the Department of English and Comparative Literature and Affiliate of Global Studies, received a Distinguished Teaching Award for Post-Baccalaureate Teaching and Mentoring. Her “flexible,” “creative,” and “associative” approach to mentoring has helped springboard her students to their own faculty positions.
Mark Crescenzi, Associate Professor of Political Science and Affiliate of Global Studies, received a Chapman Family Award for teaching. Crescenzi characterizes his teaching as guiding them “through their transformation from information consumers to analysts,” so they “understand (and ultimately practice) multi-method empirical approaches to the study of enduring problems in world politics.”
Mark Driscoll, Associate Professor in the Department of Asian Studies and Joint Faculty with Global Studies, won a membership to the prestigious Princeton Institute for Advanced Studies, History School for academic year 2012-2013. During his year-long fellowship there, he is finishing a book on decolonial movements in Japan and China called “Decoloniality of Death: Insurrection and Egalitarianism in East Asia, 1854-1911”.
Bruno Estigarribia, Assistant Professor of Spanish, Department of Romance Languages and Literatures and Affiliate of Global Studies, won a Junior Faculty Development Award for his project “Ni radio ni diario osolucionáta la ñande situación: Guaraní-Spanish Jopara code-switching and the institutionalization of indigeneity in Paraguay.” This award will allow him to travel to South America and do fieldwork to examine language use in situations of Guaraní-Spanish contact.
Clark Gray, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Affiliate of Global Studies, will be travelling to Uganda this summer on a National Science Foundation grant to initiate a new project on soil degradation and rural poverty, details here: http://www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1226817
Josh Hinson, Clinical Instructor at the School of Social Work, Program Director for the Graduate Certificate in Global Transmigration and Affiliate of Global Studies, saw the successful completion of the first year of the Graduate Certificate Program in Global Transmigration.
Erica Johnson, Lecturer in Global Studies and Director of the Global Studies Master’s Program, has been awarded a fellowship by the 2013-2014 Short-Term Travel Grant (STG) program, funded by the U.S. Department of State (Title VIII Program) and administered by IREX (the International Research & Exchanges Board). The fellowship will allow her to conduct fieldwork in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to explore multisectoral policy-making and coordination in primary health care reform.
Tom Kelley, Professor of Law and Affiliate of Global Studies, will be leading a Burch Seminar summer abroad program in Rwanda and The Hague. The program will focus on Genocide, Human Rights, and International Criminal Law, and will include approximately 19 undergraduate students.
Christian Lentz, Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and affiliate of Global Studies, traveled to Vietnam for three months in summer 2012 with the support of the Carolina Asia Center and the College of Arts and Sciences to develop a new course and conduct research. In preparation for teaching a First Year Seminar on the Geography of Vietnam, he collected teaching materials, visited historic sites, and photographed everything he could—from ancient temples in Quy Nhon to contemporary traffic jams in Hanoi. Lentz returned to the National Archives to continue research towards his book manuscript on a historical geography of Dien Bien Phu where a battle in 1954 contributed to the collapse of the French empire. He also rode a motorcycle through the Black River region to document ongoing changes such as hydropower development, in-migration, and expanding corn cultivation—all of which are transforming the region’s distinctive cultural diversity and stunning mountain landscapes.
Eva Labro, Associate Professor in the Kenan-Flagler Business School and Affiliate of Global Studies, won the 2013 Greatest Potential Impact on Practice Award by the Management Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association for “Product costs as decision aids: An analysis of alternative approaches (Parts 1 and 2)”, published in Accounting Horizons (2012), co-authored with Ramji Balakrishnan (University of Iowa) and K. Sivaramakrishnan (Rice University). The award is sponsored by the AICPA (US) and CIMA (UK). On top of various workshops and conferences in the US, in 2012/2013 Labro gave talks at conferences in international locations such as Paris (France) and Tilburg (the Netherlands). She is also an advising faculty member at the European Accounting Association’s doctoral colloquium in France.
Lisa Lindsay, Associate Professor in the Department of History and Affiliate of Global Studies, was awarded fellowships from the National Endowment for the Humanities and the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.
Benjamin Meier, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Affiliate of Global Studies, received a Johnston Teaching Excellent Award. Meier aims to make each “class an experience that students will never forget” and hopes that students “will apply [the] frameworks [discussed in the course] to change the world.” He is praised for his interactive teaching, self-deprecating humor, and energy and enthusiasm, used in the service of “Carolina and its mission.”
Pat Parker, Associate Professor in the Department of Communication Studies and affiliate of Global Studies, won the 2012-2013 Office of the Provost Award for Engaged Scholarship, which recognized her First Year Seminar: Collective Leadership Models for Youth/Adult Partnerships. The students in the course learn models for community engaged work with youth in local and global settings. Students in this course have applied what they’ve learned in Africa, India, and the US. In April, they hosted the 3rd Biennial Sharing the Mantle for Social Justice Conference with students from Duke, focusing on youth/adult partnerships in global contexts. This past October, Parker traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland to network with scholars and filmmakers who are exploring “modern Africa” at the 7th Annual AiM film festival and academic conference. Her interest was the focus on youth activism in the African Diaspora. Her trip was co-sponsored by the African Studies Center.
John Pickles, Distinguished Professor and Chair of the Department of Geography and Joint Faculty in Global Studies, has been working on three research projects this year: (1) Global value chains and the economic geographies of textiles and clothing; (2) Border management and migration control in Euro-Med; and (3) economic geographies and post-socialism.
Andrew Reynolds, Associate Professor in the Department of Political Science and Chair of Global Studies, received a Tanner Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. Reynolds “seeks to encourage and inspire [ ] students’ curiosities about the world beyond our borders.”
Eunice Sahle, Associate Professor and Chair in the Department of African and Afro-American Studies and Joint Faculty with Global Studies, received a prestigious C. Knox Massey Distinguished Service Award. Sahle’s citation recognized her outstanding leadership, academic vision, inclusive work style, integrity and unselfish service, as department Chair of African and Afro-American Studies, during a challenging period.
Yaron Shemer, Assistant Professor and in the Department of Asian Studies and Affiliate of Global Studies, received two external fellowships for the academic year 2013-2014: the Stanford Humanities Center fellowship, 2013-14, for the research project “Neighboring Identities: The Jew in Arab cinema”; and the ACLS/SSRC/NEH International and Area Studies Fellowship, 2013-14, for the research project “Neighboring Identities: The Jew in Arab cinema.”
Patricia Sullivan, Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Policy and the Curriculum in Peace, War and Defense and affiliate of Global presented the research from her book Who Wins? Predicting Strategic Success and Failure in Armed Conflict at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterrey, California. She will also be presenting her research on how public opinion in Latin American countries affects their governments’ foreign policy behavior in June in Budapest, Hungary with support from the UNC Center for Global Initiatives.
Meenu Tewari, Associate Professor in the Department of City and Regional Development and Affiliate of Global Studies, recently received a Rockefeller grant to begin work on the competitiveness of cities in South Asia in the context of climate Change Adaptation. As part of this research she will examine four rapidly growing secondary cities in India with different production structures (Surat, Kochi, Pune and Ludhiana) to examine the conditions under which cities can be motivated to make greater investments in climate change adaptation and more responsible industrial development decisions. She was also awarded a three year grant from the Housing and Urban Development Corporation, India via the Visiting HUDCO Chair professorship at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations to conduct research on urbanization in India. She is currently completing research on regional production networks in India and East Asia supported by the Asian Development Bank.
Adam Versenyi, Distinguished Professor in the Department of Art and Joint Faculty in Global Studies, delivered the keynote address for the Drama Translation in the Age of Globalization Symposium at the University of Salford in Manchester, England. His talk was entitled “Dream, Dance, Flow: The Mercurianand the Dissemination of Theatrical Translation”.
Deborah Weissman, Distinguished Professor Law and Affiliate of Global Studies, was awarded the Frank Porter Graham award from the NC ACLU, which recognizes civil rights leaders throughout the state for their work on various civil liberties issues. Deborah Weissman received the award for the many years she has spent working with various individuals and organizations across the state to promote a vision of North Carolina that respects individual rights, human dignity, and due process. Her teaching of the Immigration/Human Rights Policy Clinic and mentoring of students doing research projects that benefit advocates for the rights of residents across the state were recognized, along with her studies showing “the climate of racial profiling and community insecurity” created when local police are given federal immigration powers. She and her Immigration/Human Rights clinic students continue to be involved with the issue of extraordinary rendition and torture.