Faculty Updates
Eve Duffy, director of the program in the humanities and human values and affiliate of global studies, published The Return of Hans Staden: A Go-between in the Atlantic World through The Johns Hopkins University Press.
Annegret Fauser, professor of music and affiliate of Global Studies, received the Dent Medal of the Royal Musical Association, one of the highest international honors a musicologist can receive. A symposium in her honor will be held in London next year.
Kathleen Flanagan presented a paper titled “From Traders’ Stations to Stores: Market Forces in Stevenson, Wendt, and Beyond” at the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Language and Literary Studies (SPACLALS) conference held at Victoria University in Wellington, New Zealand from June 23-25, 2011.
Pika Ghosh, associate professor of art and affiliate of global studies, was awarded the Alfred H. Barr Prize for Museum Scholarship by the College Art Association—the main art history organization in the country—for an exhibition and catalog project entitled “Kantha: The Embroidered Quilts of Bengal from the Jill and Sheldon Bonowitz Collection and the Stella Kramrisch Collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art.” His two essays in the publication are “From Rags to Riches: Valuing Kanthas in Bengali Households” and “Embroidering Bengal: Kantha Imagery and Regional Identity.”
Edward Donald Kennedy, professor of English and comparative literature and affiliate of global studies, was honored at the meeting of the International Arthurian Society in Bristol, England in July with a session of papers and an evening reception in recognition of his scholarly contributions to Arthurian Literature and his approaching retirement.
Charles Kurzman, professor of Sociology, co-director of the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations, and affiliate of global studies, published The Missing Martyrs, which has since been reviewed by the New York Times, the Washington Post and other outlets. The book examines why Islamic terrorism did not escalate wildly after 9/11 as so many feared and as al-Qaida and its allies hoped.
Wayne Lee, Dowd Distinguished Term Professor of History, Chair of Peace War and Defense and afffiliate of global studies, published Warfare and Culture in World History with NYU Press.
Carol Magee, assistant professor of art and affiliate of global studies, will publish Africa in the American Imagination: Popular Culture, Racialized Identities, and African Visual Culture in December with the University Press of Mississippi.
Catherine Marshall, professor of educational leadership and policy and affiliate of global studies, participated in September in the “Women Leading Education” Conference in Greece with forty other international scholars and activists. Dr. Marshall presented a paper called “College Women’s Interpretations of Sexual Harassment: What We Know, What Can be Done, which was co-authored with two CCC graduate students, Stephanie Galloway and Keren Dalyot, and based on a continuing research project. Dr. Marshall also took leadership of a Funding Task Force, which intends to seek funding that will provide seed grants for curricula, training, professional development, and activism for leadership by women and girl working through educational systems.
Donald Raleigh, professor history and affiliate of global studies, published Soviet Baby Boomers: An Oral History of Russia’s Cold War Generation with Oxford University Press.
Peter Redfield, associate professor of anthropology and affiliate of global studies, published Forces of Compassion: Humanitarianism Between Ethics and Politics with SAR Press.
Xue Lan Rong, professor in the School of Education and affiliate of global studies, published Asian American Education: Identities, Racial Issues, and Languages with Information Age Publishing.
Bereket Selassie, professor of African Studies, professor of law and affiliate of global studies, was appointed the Julius Nyerere Distinguished Lecturer on Pan-Africanism by t he University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The honor has been awarded each year starting from 2009 when Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka was selected. His lecture will soon be published as a small book.
Milada Anna Vachudova, associate professor of political science and joint professor of global studies, has been awarded two external grants to support her research on democratization, political contestation and external leverage in post-communist states, focusing on the Western Balkans. She has received a fellowship as part of the 2011-12 Individual Advanced Research Opportunities (IARO) Program of the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX). She has also received a grant for 2012-13 in the National Research Competition of the National Council for Eurasian and East European Research (NCEEER).
Georg Vanberg, professor of political science and affiliate of global studies, took over as the political science editor for Public Choice, an interdisciplinary academic journal at the cross-roads of political science and economics. His book Parliaments and Coalitions with Lanny Martin was also recently published by Oxford University Press.